Tired Truffle Pig
Honey, the tired truffle sniffing pig, is a very sleepy but very hungry pig. She never gets full, only tired! She uses her nose to sniff the air to find where those hidden truffles are located, then digs them up to eat and refill her energy to find more truffles!

How many pounds of truffles can she eat before falling asleep?

MOVE: The arrow keys or WASD ("Up", "Left", "Down", "Right" respectively)
DIG - "C"
MOVE: Left joystick or D-Pad
SNIFF: "Y" or Triangle
DIG: "X" or Square
What started as a 3 hour game jam challenge became a 5 day effort to make a wholesome, kid friendly game that oozes cuteness and charm. We have expansion ideas if you like the core idea...
Jeff Minbiole - Design, Programming, Music/SFX
Lily Minbiole - Design, Artist
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